Planning and Managing public Relations Campaigns


Date and Venue

March 20, 2023 - March 24, 2023
Nicon Luxury Hotel Abuja
June 19, 2023 - June 23, 2023
Top Rank Hotels Galaxy, Ikeja, Lagos
Sept. 4, 2023 - Sept. 8, 2023
Premier Hotel Ibadan, Oyo State
Dec. 4, 2023 - Dec. 8, 2023
University of Ibadan Guest Houses



Sustained public relations campaigns can help drive strategic organizational change, build public perceptions and drive reputation with key stakeholders. Well planned and executed campaigns are a cost-effective means of changing perceptions and increasing stakeholder value for an organization.

This powerful course takes a problem solving approach to the design of PR campaigns. By closely fitting the campaign to core business priorities as well as project objectives campaign design reinforces key messages and organizational strategy. Participants will develop the skills to design, plan, cost, deliver and evaluate campaigns using the full range of PR media and channels. Case study examples in print and video will be used throughout. Action planning for the workplace to put ideas into action is a strong feature of the course.


The course examines a wide range of communications issues, skills and opportunities. As well as developing further personal competencies, the course helps participants to develop a more effective approach to communication in the workplace and the tools to add value to the organization at a strategic level. Personal action planning will ensure that the content of the course is applied to each participant’s own situation.

On completion of the course, the following have been acquired:

  • To examine the range of PR campaigns and the purposes that they can achieve.
  • To develop a problem-solving approach to match PR campaign strategy to business objectives.
  • Planning to cost, schedule, deliver and monitor campaign activities
  • To plan PR campaigns to meet need setting clear objectives with behavioural outcomes and measurable results.
  • To examine a wide range of successful campaigns to judge the differing strategies and use of channels and media
  • To learn how to evaluate PR campaigns to demonstrate success to the business and to develop campaign methodology
  • Persuasive techniques to win support of top tier management for campaigns and convince other managers and staff to participate
  • Use of a wide range of channels and media to reach audiences in a way that will influence their behaviour. This includes e-media
  • Effective evaluation techniques to measure the impact on audiences and to monitor changes in their behaviour
  • Summarising and reporting impact to the business to demonstrate contribution to achieving organisational objectives


This course has been designed for PR practitioners/professionals, Customer Relations, and for senior professionals elsewhere in the organization who want to use PR/communications tools to best effect in meeting business objectives. Communicating effectively with key stakeholders is vital to the delivery of business goals. This course demonstrates how PR can be a key element of business strategy through coherent and focused campaigns.

Training Methodology:

Facilitated by experienced instructor, this course will be conducted as a highly interactive work session, encouraging participants to share their own experiences and apply the programme material to real-life situations. Each delegate will receive an extensive reference manual, as well as case studies, while worked out solutions will be handed out to the delegates on conclusion of group discussions.

The course is activity and discussion based. Formal presentations will be balanced by a range of case-studies, practice problems and group discussions. Sharing the experience of the participants is an important feature and delegates will have the opportunity to discuss their own projects or challenges in an environment focusing on solving those problems. Real examples presented on DVD are a strong part of the course.