On completion of this course you should be able to:
Disseminate knowledge and understanding of logistics in an easy-to-read way.
Explain with great clarity the theoretical concepts; as well as get close to business life through the use of concrete examples and well-chosen case studies.
Explore logistical concepts in operational detail.
Examine logistics knowledge and understanding in depth while at the same time remaining not only very accessible but really pleasant to read.
Explore the continued development on the theme of sustainable logistics and discuss the nature of logistics today
Gain an understanding of supply chain planning and control, and agility
Course Outlines
Logistics and the supply chain
Definitions and concepts
Material flow and information flow
Competing through logistics
Logistics strategy
Putting the end-customer first
The marketing perspective
Rising customer expectations
The information revolution
Quality of service
Setting priorities for logistics strategy
Value and logistics costs
Where does value come from?
Return on investment (ROI)
Financial ratios and ROI drivers
How can logistics costs be represented?
Activity-based costing (ABC)
A balanced measurement portfolio
Managing logistics internationally
Drivers and logistics implications of internationalization
The tendency towards internationalization
The challenges of international logistics and location
Organizing for international logistics
Reverse logistics
Managing for risk readiness
Managing the lead-time frontier
The role of time in competitive advantage
Time-based competition: definition and concepts
P:D ratios and differences
Using time to measure supply pipeline performance
Time-based process mapping
Stage 1: Create a task force
Stage 2: Select the process to map
Stage 3: Collect data
Stage 4: Flow chart the process
Stage 5: Distinguish between value-adding and non-value-adding time
Stage 6: Construct the time-based process map
Stage 7: Solution generation
Managing timeliness in the logistics pipeline
Strategies & practices to cope when P-time is greater than D-time
A method for implementing time-based practices
Step 1: Understand your need to change
Step 2: Understand your processes
Step 3: Identify unnecessary process steps and large amounts of wasted time
Step 4: Understand the causes of waste
Step 5: Change the process
Step 6: Review changes
When, where and how?
Supply chain planning and control
The supply chain ‘game plan’
Planning and control within the focal firm
Managing inventory in the supply chain
Inter-firm planning and control
Just-in-time (JIT)
The just-in-time system
JIT and material requirements planning (MRP)
Lean thinking
Application of lean thinking to business processes 195
Role of lean practices
Design strategies
Lean product design
The agile supply chain
The concept of agility
Demand characteristics and supply capabilities
Classifying operating environments
Preconditions for successful agile practice
Agile drivers and practices
Joint decision making to improve external network integration
Developing measures to put the end-customer first
Shared goals to improve virtual integration
Boundary-spanning SOP to improve process integration
Integrating the supply chain
Integration in the supply chain
Efficient consumer response (ECR)
Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR)
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
Quick response (QR)
Managing supply chain relationships
Purchasing and supply relationships
Choosing the right supply relationships
Partnerships in the supply chain
Supply base rationalization
Supplier networks
Supplier development
Implementing strategic partnerships
Logistics future challenges and opportunities
Internal alignment
Selecting collaborative opportunities upstream and downstream
Managing with cost-to-serve to support growth and profitability