About the Course:
The course identifies and examines the key components of the role and within each element builds up a range of approaches and techniques for operating an efficient office or support team. These elements include interpersonal, communication, organizational and time management competencies.
As can be seen from the course outline below, the event is broken down by the day to broadly reflect the key components of the role. However, as you will discover when you attend the event, such skills and techniques will be required in a blended and integrated way as you meet the challenges of your workplace. Throughout the event, you will practice communication, organizational and planning skills on an ongoing and linked basis as you would within your normal working environment.
Course Objectives
By attending this course, Delegates will be able to:
Designed For:
Delegates attending this event will be involved in the operational running of an office or fulfil the role of an Executive or Personal Assistant to Senior or Middle Management. It will also be a constructive development event for those individuals with some office management experience looking to move into a more senior position as an Office Professional or Administration team leader / supervisor.
The course is targeted at:
DAY 1:The Office Manager / Executive Assistant role: an Overview
DAY 2:Setting and Meeting Objectives
DAY 3:Resource and Team Management
DAY 4: Communications
DAY 5: The Working Day