TOPIC: 5G Fundamentals & Potential Deployments
This course is designed to introduce the concepts and possible deployments for the launch of 5G Wireless Networking.. The preparation for the launch of 5G has already begun and we need to understand how this technology will impact our exisiting networks and terminals and what new technologies and/or deployments will be required.
During this course we will discuss various potential requirements for 5G wireless environments, starting with the 10 pillars of 5G and drivers for the requirements for the technology.
We will investigate the 5G Internet, the use of and support for virtualisation, quality of service support, over-provisioning, demand vs capacity and the mobile cloud. Cognitive radio and the use TV white space will be discuss as will green flexible RF and the need for SON.
Target Participants: Who will benefit from this programme?
This hands-on course provides managers, service planners, system integrators, engineers and systems architecture professionals an opportunity to undertake hands-on exercises that enable them to understand this new generation of technology.
By the end of this study tour, participants will be able to:
Amongst a wide range of valuable topics, the following will be prioritised: